Resistor Application Scenarios
Definition: Renewable energy - wind power: refers to the conversion of the wind's kinetic energy into electricity. Energy into electricity is divided into onshore wind power and offshore wind power.
★ Drive, servo start-stop use.
★ Acceleration/deceleration device.
Usages/Functions & Pictures for Resistors in Field
The so-called regenerative braking resistor/regenerative resistor is In a system where the inverter is dragging a motor, when the servo motor is driven by generator mode, the power returns to the servo amplifier side, which is called regenerative power . Regenerative power is absorbed by charging the capacitors in the servo amplifier. After exceeding the amount of energy that can be charged, the regenerative power is consumed by a resistor.

Resistors suitable for such application
★ Aluminum Housed Resistors Series
★ Wirewound Resistor Series (DR)
★ Load Bank

Post time: Aug-18-2023